Two days before Christmas, in a small town that could be anywhere, two young orphans discover that an empty store has been magically transformed into a colorful toyshop. Who is the mysterious toyshop owner and his sidekick? A touching and humorous original fantasy filled with the wondrous enchantment and joyful excitement of Christmas.
Produced by: Special Arrangement with Classics on Stage! of Chicago

Production Team

Director: Natasha Fenster
Producer: Marcia Vinci
Music Director: Ken Knox


Nix: Fiona Stevens
Michelle: Alexis Taylor
Winona and General La Bouche Boucle Lafitte: Katie Priscott
Jennifer: Leigh Bullard
Wilhelmina and Trudi: Ava Sabloff
Mr. Robert Tompkins and Jack-in-the-Box: Jeff Bukowski
Mrs. Hildegarde Wellington and Esmerelda: Leslie Brin Andrews
Santa Claus: Peter Haynes
Lady Anna: Kelly Nayden
The Toy Box and an Elf: Duncan Fenster
theater set of a living room

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