This is the hilarious story of a community theater desperately trying to put on a play despite maddening interference from a haughty authoress who keeps revising the script. Although they only have four days left, this dedicated group of amateurs is committed to the adage “the show must go on,” and valiantly stumbles from the near disastrous dress rehearsal to a performance in which anything that can go wrong, does. This hysterically funny romp ends with a madcap climax.
Produced by: Special Arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.

Production Team

Director: Kevin Pelkey
Producer: Sheila Toner
Stage Manager: Meredith Bihl


Saul/Dr. Forbes: Bob Filipowich
Saul/Dr. Forbes: Marcia Cummings-Vinci
Lord Dudley: Stephen DiRocco
Violet/Diana Lassiter: Holly Aladin
Smitty/Doris: Liliana De’Rossi
Billy/Stephen Sellers: Daniel Mann
Aggie: Caryn Raimondi
Louise: Jennifer Woldman
Phyllis: Andrea Garmun
Gerry: Mindy Fox Pritchard
theater set of a living room

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